Ministry of Energy, Mongolia
Date: 27 December 2024
Grant No. and Title:Grant 54360-001-MON: Renewable Heating Demonstration in Remote Areas
Contract No. and Title: CW2: Building Efficiency Improvements and Clean Heating System Installation in Naran Soum, Sukhbaatar Aimag
Deadline for Submission of Bids: 24 January 2025, 11:00 A.M. (Ulaanbaatar time)
1.Mongolia has received financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) toward the cost of Renewable Heating Demonstration in Remote Areas. Part of this financing will be used for payments under the contract named above. Bidding is open to Bidders from eligible source countries of ADB.
2.The Ministry of Energy (“the Employer”) invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders for the construction and completion of Engineering Procurement and Construction contract for Building Efficiency Improvements and Clean Heating System Installation in Naran Soum, Sukhbaatar Aimag (“the Facilities”).
3.Open Competitive Bidding (national advertisement) will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Single-Stage: One-Envelope bidding procedure and is open to all Bidders from eligible countries as described in the Bidding Document.
4.Only eligible Bidders with the following key qualifications defined in the Bidding Document may participate in this bidding:
Annual Average Turnover:
Minimum average annual turnover of USD 663,800 calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the last three (3) years (2021, 2022, 2023).
Financial Resources:
The Bidder must demonstrate that its financial resources meet or exceed the total requirement for the Subject Contract of USD 165,950.
Solar PV Plant:
Participation as a contractor, Joint Venture partner, or Subcontractor in at least two (2) contracts that have been satisfactorily and substantially completed within the last five (5) years (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023) and that are similar to the proposed contract, where the value of the Bidder’s participation under all contracts exceeds USD 265,520. The similarity of the Bidder’s participation shall be based on:
Installation of distributed on-grid solar PV system or off-grid system;
Installed in a climate condition similar to the Employer`s country, which has been successfully operating for at least two (2) years (2022, 2023).
Heat Pump:
Participation as a contractor, Joint Venture partner, or Subcontractor in at least two contracts that have been satisfactorily and substantially completed within the last five (5) years (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023) and that are similar to the proposed contract, where the value of the Bidder’s participation under all contracts exceeds USD 70,000 The similarity of the Bidder’s participation shall be based on:
Air-to-water heat pump installation.
Installed in a similar climate condition to the Employer`s country that has been successfully operating for at least one (1) year (2023).
Experience in Key Activities:
Experience in detailed engineering design for at least one (1) contract for solar PV plants in the last three (3) years (2021, 2022, 2023) installed in similar climate condition to the Employer`s country, that is successfully operating within the last two (2) years (2022, 2023).
Experience in operation and maintenance for at least one (1) contract for solar PV plants in the last three (3) years (2021, 2022, 2023), that is successfully operating within the last two (2) years (2022, 2023).
Similar climate is specified in the Section 6: Employer`s Requirement of the Bidding Document.
The qualification criteria are more completely described in the Bidding Document.
5.To obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Documents, Bidders should contact:
c/o Mr. G. Khishigdemberel
Ms. I. Nyamtsetseg
Government Building 14, Chinggis Avenue
3rd Khoroo, Khan-Uul District, Ulaanbaatar-17042, Mongolia
(+976)-99035551, (+976)-88039906
6.To purchase the Bidding Documents, eligible Bidders should:
Write to the address above requesting the Bidding Documents for Package CW2: Building Efficiency Improvements and Clean Heating System Installation in Naran Soum, Sukhbaatar Aimag.
Pay a non-refundable fee of MNT 340,000.00 by direct deposit to the below account:
Account Name:Renewable Heating Demonstration in Remote Areas Project
Account No.:MN101900011706
Beneficiary’s Bank:State fund of Mongolia
7.Deliver your bid:
To the address in para 5 above.
Only hard copies (One Original + One Copy) of the proposal will be accepted.
On or before the deadline: 24 January 2025, 11:00 AM (Ulaanbaatar time).
Together with a Bid Security as described in the Bidding Document.
8.Bids will be opened immediately after the deadline for bid submission in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.
9. The Employer will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by Bidders in connection with the preparation or submission of Bids